GHL Hamilton Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software
Home > Winter 2024-2025 Registration

Attention returning GHL players : you will need your Access Code to register. You can find your access code in your registration confirmation from last season or by clicking on "What is my Access Code?" below. If you still need help, email Amanda (

For new GHLers: the GHL is a league for beginner level players. If you have played hockey before, you may very well be too good for the league and will be cut after evaluations. 


You will be asked to click on consent boxes as you progress through the registration form. Remember to give consent to emails from the league in order to receive updates about the schedule, team placement, etc. 


* Indicates Required Field

Player Information-

Are you a returning Player?

First Name *

Last Name *

Birthdate *

Access Code

(Only returning players need to enter the Access Code.)

Email Address *

Gender *


City / Hometown


Postal Code

Phone Number

Are you a returning GHL player? *

Which level did you last play in? *

In which season did you last play with us? *

What best describes your hockey experience? (check all that apply) *

If you played in a hockey league before please tell us which league(s) and at what age you played. *

Would you like to be matched with another player? *

A partner, friend, car pool pal.

Which Player? *

You can be matched with only ONE player. If they did not choose you or chose someone else, it is possible you will not be on the same team. We will try to accommodate your request *provided* you are both placed in the same division.

In case of emergency whom should we contact? *

Name, relation, phone number

Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

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